Functions of FCCC

  • Provision of advice to the Minister about proposed access agreements;
  • Maintenance of register of access agreements;
  • Facilitation of negotiations about access to infrastructure facilities or services under access regimes;
  • Arbitration of disputes about access to infrastructure facilities or services under access regimes;
  • If, under a law relating to regulated industry, the referring authority delegates to FCCC the power to impose, modify or revoke conditions in respect of licenses granted under that law, FCCC to impose, modify and revoke those conditions in accordance with the relevant delegation;
  • Promote the interests of consumers and persons negotiating or considering the acquisition of goods or services as consumers and to assist, them to a greater awareness in relation to their assessment and use of goods or services;
  • Collect, examine and disseminate information in respect of matters affecting or likely to affect the interests of consumers or persons negotiating or considering the acquisition of goods or services as consumers;
  • Receive and consider complaints concerning matters affecting or likely to affect the interests of consumers or persons negotiating or considering the acquisition of goods or services as consumers and, if FCCC is of the opinion that such action is warranted, to investigate the complaints and take such action in respect thereof as seems proper to FCCC;
  • Investigate fraudulent or deceptive practices in relation to matters that affect or are likely to affect the interests of consumers or persons negotiating or considering the acquisition of goods or services as consumers and to take such action in respect of the practices as seems proper to the FCCC;
  • Advise and assist persons who seek from FCCC information or guidance on matters affecting or likely to affect their interests as consumers or as persons negotiating or considering the acquisition of goods or services as consumers;
  • Encourage and undertake the dissemination of information concerning consumer affairs to producers, manufacturers and suppliers of goods or services;
  • Review all commercial activities and collect information regarding such activities;
  • Fix and declare maximum prices and quantities, for goods and services and rents;
  • Issue authorizations and approvals by way of licenses for the provision of goods and services in regulated industries to which the functions, authority and powers are granted by the legislation and regulations underpinning any regulated industry to which it is to become the principal regulator; and
  • Discharge such other functions as the Minister may direct or are conferred on FCCC by or under the FCCC Act 2010 or any other written law.