FCCC Divisions

Legal Division 

The Legal division has the overall responsibility of the management of legal at FCCC.

Our Legal division assists in making legally informed decisions and manages litigation, facilitated by internal resources and/or external litigation services where necessary.

The role of our in-house lawyers includes providing sound and accurate legal advice, specialist drafting of legal documents, and assisting to prepare and manage litigation.

Our in-house lawyers also manage external lawyers who are engaged where additional resources are needed. The legal division administers the Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission Act 2010.

Internal Audit & Governance Division 

The Internal Audit & Governance Department provides independent and objective assurance and consulting activity that is guided by a philosophy of adding value to improve the operations of the Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission.

The Department assists the Commission in accomplishing its strategic objective by bringing a systematic risk-based approach to evaluating and improving corporate governance, risk management and internal controls.

Economic Regulation Division

The Economic Regulation department of the FCCC is responsible for determining the prices of the products that is controlled by the FCCC pursuant to a Price Control Order and undertaking independent analysis and review on any industry engaged in the supply of electricity, water, sewage, post, broadcasting, telecommunications, ports, civil aviation or any other industries that is declared subsequently in Section 5, Regulated Industries of the Fijian Competition & Consumer Commission Act 2010. Through economic regulation, the department aims to get the right balance between providing incentives and equitable returns for regulated businesses to invest, and ensuring that consumers are charged prices that align with the cost of the goods or services they receive.

Pricing, Policy and Planning Division 

The Pricing Policy and Planning Department performs one of the major core function of the Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission (‘Commission’) under the Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission Act 2010 (FCCC Act 2010) and that is to control prices of goods and services where competition is restricted or lessened or as the Commission deems necessary. On this regard, the Commission is empowered under the FCCC Act 2010 to fix and declare by order through the approval of the Minister the maximum prices of goods and services that are under price control. Such control is necessary to ensure affordability whilst maintaining equitable returns in local trade.

 The Department undertakes price reviews and costing assessments of price control goods and services. In addition, the Commission conducts monitoring exercises in the Fijian market in terms of trader inspections, general monitoring and surveillance to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of price control under FCCC Act 2010. Further, the Department conducts market research to ensure effectiveness and efficiencies in the various industries developments.

Competition Division 

The Competition Department administers the most paramount mandate which is the Vision of the Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission by strategizing procedures assuring market for goods and services are competitive in Fiji.

The Department specializes in enforcing the provisions entailed under Part six (6) of the FCCC Act 2010 that illegitimates restrictive trade practices in Fiji inclusive of but not limited to anticompetitive conduct, exclusive dealing, price discrimination and misusing market power in Fiji. One of the crucial objectives that the division also engages into is receiving and assessing Merger and Acquisition consolidation applications and examining its competitiveness prior to its procession.

This segment of the Commission implicitly ensures the supply of quality goods and services are available for consumers simultaneous to its objective of securing competition in industry of trade and commerce.

Enforcement Division 

The Enforcement Department is an operational arm of FCCC that ensures compliance and administration of consumer protection laws in Fiji and Commission’s consumer related functions, under the FCCC Act 2010.

The Department provides FCCC with enforcement capabilities for FCCC to fulfil its vision, mission and strategic goals. The Division is responsible for taking the main lead in all enforcement related action, including but not limited to, carrying out investigations, monitoring, compliance, etc, that are relevant to the FCCC Act 2010.

The Department is also responsible to identify companies, individuals and industries that engage in unfair practices under the FCCC Act 2010 and take enforcement measures against them, as deemed necessary. The Division also educates suppliers to engage in good business practices and consumers on their consumer protection rights.

It closely works with the Legal Division and other Divisions to ensure that investigations and enforcements are carried out (including but not limited to) fairly, impartially, objectively, effectively, rigorously and in a timely manner.

The Division has a total of 26 officers based in 3 regional offices, Central/Eastern, Northern and Western, but carries out enforcement related actions all over Fiji.

Finance Division

Read our Finance manual (Finance Manual 2018)