Protect your M-Paisa account!

Be alert and never divulge personal information such as your M-Paisa pin and OTP codes. If anything appears unusual or raises doubt, contact Vodafone immediately so they can take the necessary measures. Additionally, please report these incidents to FCCC, so that...

Always check the expiry dates

Don’t let the hype of sales and discounts distract you from checking the expiration date on food items before purchasing them. Some traders may push out goods that are about to expire or have expired! If the price has dropped significantly, verify the expiration...

e-Commerce Market Survey

The Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission (FCCC) needs your voice! Join our E-commerce market study survey and help shape Fiji’s digital marketplace.

Paying your Rent – Dont forget to ask for a receipt

Q: Can Landlords refuse to provide you with a receipt for payment of rent? A: No. Failure to supply receipts is a breach of Section 55A of the FCCC Act 2010. For queries, please reach out through one of our communication channels at...

Beware of Ponzi Schemes!

Main Goal: To recruit people for money, promising high returns but has no real business supporting it New investments pay returns for earlier investors. Eventually, the scheme collapses because it runs out of new recruits. Illegal and punishable by law. Checklist to...