Media Release

23 December 2023

The Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission (FCCC) initiated a collaborative effort with multiple stakeholders in the market, and Rooster Poultry has voluntarily joined this endeavor by agreeing to uphold their prices for whole bird chicken until the New Year, aiming to alleviate the financial strain on our consumers. This voluntary commitment aims to ease the financial strain on consumers across Fiji. FCCC reiterates its dedication to engaging with additional market stakeholders to foster similar initiatives.

As part of this initiative, Rooster Poultry has extended special offers on their supermarket products from Christmas through the New Year period. Both parties have agreed to maintain the prices of selected Rooster chicken whole birds in supermarkets, ensuring stability in the current recommended retail prices (RRP). This collaborative decision is aimed at easing the financial strain on consumers across Fiji during this festive season.

“While we do not dictate market prices, this government is a huge proponent of collaborative solutions – a hallmark of our governance style. The success of this initiative with Rooster Poultry demonstrates how working together can lead to beneficial outcomes for both consumers and the market. It’s a win-win situation that respects both consumer welfare and fair market competition,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Hon. Professor Biman Prasad.

“I would also like to extend my thanks to Rooster Poultry for their commendable decision to freeze prices. Their willingness to step up and support this initiative sets a positive example for other market players.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs and Communications, Hon. Manoa Kamikamica added “I am delighted to see the fruitful results of our collaborative efforts in this initiative. Partnerships between the government, FCCC, and stakeholders like Rooster Poultry underscores our commitment to fostering an environment where trade, co-operation, and communication converge for the greater good of our communities. This initiative not only aids in stabilizing prices but also reinforces the importance of cooperative engagement across different sectors.”

FCCC CEO, Joel Abraham, remarked “Our goal is to ensure that Fijian families have access to affordable chicken options, especially when household budgets are stretched during this time of year. We appreciate Rooster Chicken’s cooperation in this endeavor and hope to see similar consideration from other suppliers.”

It’s imperative to clarify that this initiative is not intended to endorse or promote any specific brand. Rather, its purpose is to assist consumers by offering special relief measures, considering that chicken is among the most consumed items during this festive season.

“Maintaining reasonable pricing, especially during high-demand periods, reflects a deep understanding of the community’s needs and challenges, and is a prime example of corporate social responsibility.”

Examples of specials gathered by the FCCC team (prices may vary outside of Viti Levu) include:

“We also would like retailers in general to reflect lowered wholesale prices in their retail pricing. We are not asking them to keep prices so low that they cannot make a profit, but to operate from a place of fairness,” Abraham added.

“The intention is not to impose restrictive controls but to foster a market environment where fair pricing is the norm. If retailers maintain inflated prices despite lower wholesale costs offered by suppliers, we may need to reevaluate our approach, including considering the addition of more items to the price-controlled list. However, such measures would be a last resort, and we remain optimistic that retailers will follow Rooster Chicken’s lead in prioritizing consumer welfare.”

This initiative is a proactive step to provide support and relief to consumers. FCCC continues to promote fairness and transparency in the market for the benefit of all consumers and stakeholders.

Consumers are encouraged to exercise due diligence in their purchasing decisions, selecting products that best suit their preferences and affordability for themselves and their families. FCCC, as the consumer enforcement body, remains committed to ensuring fairness in the market and wishes to emphasize that this initiative does not indicate any bias towards a particular entity.

FCCC is unwaveringly committed to safeguarding the welfare of consumers by ensuring that goods remain both affordable and readily accessible. This dedication involves actively monitoring pricing structures and market dynamics to prevent unjustified price hikes that could burden consumers.

Additionally, FCCC consistently works to maintain a fair and competitive market, fostering an environment where consumers can access goods at reasonable prices. Through its regulatory efforts, FCCC strives to uphold affordability and accessibility, recognizing these as fundamental rights of every consumer.

About FCCC

The Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission is an independent statutory authority committed to promoting competition and fair trading and regulating national infrastructure for the benefit of all Fijians.

For more information/details on this, please contact us on our Facebook page , or on our website or on 8921991.
