Wednesday 3 January 2024

The Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission (FCCC) is investigating the use of Hindu deities in product branding, specifically concerning the labels of Brookvale Union Ginger Beer.

Following a complaint regarding sacrilegious depictions of Lord Ganesha, a central figure in Hinduism, on these labels, FCCC CEO Joel Abraham expressed FCCC’s deep concern and firm condemnation of any disrespect toward religious beliefs and symbols.

“The commercial use of religious imagery in an offensive manner is not only culturally insensitive but potentially breaches the standards of ethical business practices. We are a nation composed of different faiths and cultures and religious intolerance is not acceptable.”

Abraham added, “FCCC is committed to upholding consumer rights while respecting the cultural and religious dignity of all communities in Fiji. We urge all businesses to understand the nuance and context of the cultural environment while engaging in trade and commerce. This includes due sensitivity and respect towards religious sentiments when branding your products.”

“We are committed to fostering a marketplace where cultural dignity is upheld alongside competitive and fair business practices. I call on all businesses and stakeholders to join us in this commitment and ensure that such oversights are not repeated, against any religion.”

For more information, or to report any breaches of consumer rights, members of the public can contact the FCCC by calling 8921 991, emailing or through any of the channels at

About FCCC

The Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission is an independent statutory authority committed to promoting competition and fair trading and regulating national infrastructure for the benefit of all Fijians.
