20 December 2023

In light of the increasing prevalence of green claims in Fiji, the Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission (FCCC) advises consumers to critically assess these claims to ensure they are genuine.

FCCC is committed to promoting honest, accurate and transparent environmental marketing. As the world grows ever eco-conscious, leading to an influx of green initiatives, there has been a corresponding increase in claims via social media, advertisements and in print media.

Fiji is also embarking towards global green goals and FCCC commends businesses and consumers stepping up towards this initiative. However, if you make ‘green’ claims, they must be accurate, scientifically sound and substantiated.

These green claims (sometimes called ‘environmental claims’ or ‘eco-friendly claims’) are claims that show how a product, service, brand, or business benefits or is less harmful to the environment.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Co-operatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications, Hon. Manoa Kamikamica, highlighting its significance for Fiji’s sustainable future. “As a nation surrounded by the natural beauty of our oceans and landscapes, and one that is leading the charge against climate change in the region, it is crucial that we lead by example in promoting sustainable practices. Educating our consumers on evaluating green initiatives is a step forward in our commitment to environmental stewardship.”

“Whilst we welcome and encourage green initiatives, as it supports the Coalition Government’s ambitions to rebuild and diversify Fiji’s economy, it is imperative that we promote honest and evidence-based green marketing. This will not only protect our consumers but also guide our businesses towards more sustainable practices.”

FCCC CEO, Joel Abraham, urges businesses to communicate the environmental impacts of their products and services in an honest and forthright manner, “It’s vital for the integrity of our markets and the protection of consumers that green claims are truthful and substantiated, particularly when you consider the steps, we as a nation have been taking towards becoming more environmentally friendly.”

“Climate change and its impacts are more evident for island nations like Fiji, so we must ensure that environmental claims are not only marketing tools but reflect genuine sustainable practices, that benefit our environment and our people.”

FCCC emphasizes the importance of these claims being backed by credible evidence and fully representing the product’s environmental impact.

Both consumers and businesses are advised to be vigilant, and question claims that seem vague or are not backed by facts. Critically evaluate green marketing claims with special emphasis around the need for clarity in environmental claims and be cautious of vague terms like ‘eco-friendly’ without clear definitions or evidence.

Key Considerations:

  • Beyond Slogans – Be skeptical of vague terms. Seek clear, substantiated information.
  • Evidence Matters – Look for credible evidence or certification marks to validate claims.
  • Appearance vs Reality- Don’t be swayed by imagery; focus on detailed descriptions.
  • Disposal Impact – Understand how to responsibly dispose of the product and packaging.
  • Overall Impact – Consider the complete environmental impact, not just isolated claims.

FCCC remains dedicated to ensuring that environmental claims made in the Fijian market are truthful, helping consumers make informed choices and supporting businesses that genuinely contribute to environmental sustainability.

About FCCC

The Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission is dedicated to enforcing the Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission Act 2010, promoting competition, fair trading, and regulating national infrastructure for the benefit of all Fijians.
